Why Top to Bottom Cleanings Are Important

If you are like over half of the US population, the fall and winter bring in a lot more than colorful leaves and flaky snow..they invite pollens and allergens that can send even the jolliest of people into raging fits of sniffles, coughs, congestion – or worse!

“Knowing where these hidden irritants reside is a major step toward minimizing the problem,” explains Shirley Perlinsky, President of S&G Cleaning Services LLC. “Our staff is trained to identify common areas where pollutants and allergens invade your home or offices and utilize just the right combination of technology and skill to keep these potential health threats at bay. Additionally, people with dogs and cats can be particularly susceptible to allergens and pollens so thorough cleaning is extremely important,” states Perlinsky.

Perlinsky relays that oftentimes home and business owners go through very extensive and costly measures to identify and remediate their properties, when just a thorough “Top to Bottom” cleaning service is all that is required..saving hundreds, possibly thousands, of dollars. It might be a good time to explore how a “Top to Bottom” cleaning would be beneficial to you. Call S&G Cleaning Services at 908-722-9254 for a free estimate today!


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Shirley Perlinsky