Storm Ready – Are You Prepared?


We are half way through November and some of us have already experienced a fall storm.  It’s always a great idea to check with your local agencies as to what items are essential to have during an emergency or power outage.  Below, I have put together a few items to have on hand during these fall and winter months.


Water – It’s a good idea to have a gallon of water per person, per day, for at least three days. Water can be used for both drinking and sanitation.

Non-perishable food – It’s recommended that you have at least a three-day supply of nonperishable, ready-to-eat food and don’t forget a manual can opener.

Battery-powered or hand crank radio – making sure to store with extra batteries

Flashlight and extra batteries – Flashlights are much better then candles as far as safety is concerned

 First aid kit – You can generally get really good pre-made kits at your local drug store

Emergency Contact Card – making sure of course that it is someone other than a person living in the same house.

Multi-purpose tool – sometimes items that take batteries have screws that need to be undone first.  This is a handy tool to have on hand.

Whistle – this is a great item to have if you happen to become stuck somewhere and need help

Items for personal sanitation – Baby wipes or hygiene towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties

Cell phone with chargers – It’s a good idea to have a car charger as well in case you lose power

Thermal emergency blankets

Rain ponchos for each family member

Personal hygiene supplies – toothbrush, paste, sanitary napkins, soap, small towels.

Copies of important documents, placed in a water proof container – You will want to include a Copy of your driver’s license and/or birth certificate, bank account information, insurance cards and policy numbers.

 Cash – bank machines may not be working and small bills are best

Extra set of house keys

Prescription medications – seven-day supply is recommended

Pet supplies – food, water, blanket and any medications they might need

Children and baby supplies – small toys or coloring books, diapers & wipes, formula, baby food

* You always want to double check expiration dates and update your emergency preparedness kit every 6 months. You need to make sure that your safety Kits are portable and ready to go in the case of an emergency or evacuation.

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Shirley Perlinsky