Keep Yourself & Your Home Safe With These 8 Important Home-Owner Policy Questions


When we renew our homeowner’s policy, we often just keep things as is and sign on the dotted line. There are however, 8 important questions that should be asked prior to signing up for another 6 month policy. If you currently work with an agent you might already be asking yourself these questions but if you’re not, read on to find out how to safe guard yourself from paying too much, missing out on discounts or not have enough coverage.

  1. Have you remodeled your home or added any additions or made improvements?
  1. Have you changed your mortgage company?
  1. Have you acquired any new valuables or collectibles that aren’t already on your current policy?
  1. Have you added a new alarm system?
  1. Do you have a new pet?
  1. Do you own a trampoline?
  1. Do you own a business that is run out of your home?
  1. Are you babysitting two or more children in your home on a regular basis?

Shirley Perlinsky