Guest Room Glam Up – 5 Ways To Spruce Up Your Guest Room With Out Breaking The Bank


November is here and that means the holidays are right around the corner. We always have loads of family in town for Thanksgiving and the winter holidays, so having our guest room ready to go is a must. I always want to make sure my guests are comfortable, happy and have everything they need. Below is quick list of 5 easy additions that will have your guest feeling appreciated and loved.

1. Add a nice bouquet 
– Fresh cut flowers brighten everyone’s day. Even more so when they are being welcomed. The bouquet doesn’t need to be large or expensive – just a simple arrangement will do the trick.

2. Chocolate on their pillow – or nightstand…or both! Who doesn’t love to find a couple of sweets waiting for them? I like to find out ahead of time what my guest’s favorite chocolate or candy is and have that waiting in a little bowl next to their bed. It’s a perfect way to say “I’m glad you’re here!”

3. Basket of toiletries – I love leaving a guest basket for my family and friends. Everyone always seems to forget something – Extra tooth brush, conditioner or deodorant. I get a decent size wicker basket and put a couple crisp white towels as well as little travel size toiletries for my guests. The offer is always appreciated and the presentation makes a nice welcome.

4. Water in waiting – A lot of our family fly in from different parts of the country and a comfy bed and bottle of H2O is always a nice touch. It’s great to rehydrate with or to take a quick evening pill.

5. Something to read – Another added touch I like to do for guests, is to grab a magazine or two relating to their interests. I will grab a running magazine for my younger brother who participates in marathons and a cooking magazine for my father who loves to create fabulous dinners. You will also want to make sure there is a lamp or easy access lighting to help with evening reading.

Try adding a few of these simple, thoughtful ideas the next time you have friends or family visiting. I guarantee they will be delighted and feel right at home!

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Shirley Perlinsky