Give Your Wardrobe A Face-lift Without Opening Your Wallet


Spring is just around the corner & that means it’s time to freshen up and climb out of hibernation mode.  One great way that I start off the spring time is by hosting a wardrobe exchange party.  These parties are simple to throw, fun to participate in and by the end of the party, everyone is going home with some gently used, new clothing items.  So if you are interested in freshening up without spending a dime, continue reading on for all the details.

Throwing the party is super easy, I send out a “save the date” email about a month ahead of time and ask all the ladies to start going through their gently used clothing items, shoes, accessories.  Then when it gets closer to the date, I send out a second email asking my girlfriends to bring with them their favorite appetizer and a beverage of choice.

On the day of the party I set up an area in my living room where my guests can put their items.  In the past I have strung up sturdy cord to make a make shift clothing rack or you can just put items on a large table.  You just want to make sure everyone can see the items and have some kind of organization happening.

When guests arrive we mingle and eat first before getting into the exchange.  You can really do the swap anyway you want.  I have a pretty low key crowd so we just kind of go through the items all at once but you can have your friends do it in a more systematic way by giving turns etc.

By the end of the night, most items have been taken.  For the items that are left, I drive those to a woman’s shelter the next day.

And that’s all there is to it.  It’s a great way to start the spring and get all your friends together.  It’s always a superb way to add pieces to your wardrobe and give back to your community.  Happy Spring!

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Shirley Perlinsky