Do These 6 Daily Tasks & Cut Your Cleaning In Half


Who has time to spend 3-4 hours a day cleaning?  Unless you are in the housecleaning business, most of us just don’t have the amount of time needed to keep our homes spotless and dirt free.  This list of 6 simple daily tasks can help cut your regular cleaning time by half.  It does take some adjustment, but as soon as you hit your rhythm, you’ll realize you have way more hours to do what you want rather than scrubbing the day away.

  • Real in the messy chef – Keep your cooking space clean and picked up as you go along. Wash pans after using them; items are much easier to clean when they haven’t sat for several hours.  Put ingredients away after you have taken what you need, clean cutting boards and knives when you are finished chopping.  It makes kitchen clean up SO much easier.
  • Clean up spills immediately – Don’t wait for spills to become sticky or hard. Clean them now to avoid extra work later.
  • Stay on top of “stuff” – Pick up clutter as you leave a room. Keep items from staying in the wrong place for too long, this will help keep a tidy, neat home.
  • Mail is meant to be opened – Then toss what you don’t need or want. Nothing looks worse and takes more time to clean then weeks of unopened mail that needs to be sorted.
  • Sweep the kitchen floor every night – There is nothing better than waking up to a clean kitchen floor. Plus it cuts down on dirt and grime from foot traffic which equals less cleaning time.
  • Make your bed up every morning – A bedroom looks so much nicer and put together when the bed is made. Also, its way more relaxing to crawl into a made bed at night.
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Shirley Perlinsky