5 Ways To Be Inventive, Kinder To The Earth & Save Money ALL At The Same Time

By:  SGCleaningServices.com

This time of year I always seem to be more aware of the environment and how I’m personally impacting my surroundings.  I was thinking about the different ways my family contributes to re-using and recycling and with Earth Day having just passed, I thought these 5 tips were relevant, fun and great to pass along to our readers!

  1. Save (nice) plastic spoons from your local ice cream shop – We have a really lovely ice cream shop that gives out the most amazing plastic spoons. I have found that they work fantastic in our kid’s lunch boxes.  They are hearty and durable so we can use them time and time again.  Plus they come in really fun colors.
  2. Hold on to those plastic produce bags – These handy little bags work great as small garbage can liners or to take along with us when we walk our dog and need to pick up after them. They are a perfect size.  We like to keep ours in disposable Kleenex boxes.
  3. Paper grocery bags have many uses– If you are still getting paper grocery bags (Amazon Fresh uses awesome one with handles), don’t immediately recycle. We like to use them for yard waste, packaging for shipping a box or container or it can be used as rustic gift wrapping with a bit of twine.
  4. Save those plastic water bottles – We fill up plastic water bottles and then freeze them. I like to put a bottle in my kid’s lunch bags to help keep items cold and they can use the bottle to drink as it melts.
  5. Berry baskets make great organizers – We like to use these handy little baskets to organize loose packets in our pantry. We just pop all of our seasoning mixes, yeast packets and stray condiment packets together so we can locate them quickly and easily.

These are just a few tips that we do, but there are a ton of ways to re-use and be more earth minded.  How does your family re-new and re-use?

Shirley Perlinsky