7 Reasons To Keep Paper Coffee Filters On Hand Even If You Don’t Drink Coffee

By:  SGCleaningServices.com

I am always looking for ways to save a little money and if I can save money and create multiple uses for an item, then that’s considered a win-win.  Coffee filters may just be the coolest product out there. I know that statement sounds a bit odd, but once you read these 7 uses for coffee filters, I think you will agree you need to pick up a pack during your next shopping trip!

  1. Cleans glass & other surfaces – Coffee filters are awesome because they are great at picking up grease and oil and they don’t leave behind lint or fuzz. You can use filters to clean many different surfaces even glass or the dash console in your car.  Just use the filter with whatever cleaning liquid or spray that you normally would use for the specific surface you’re working with and go to town.
  2. Filters other liquids too – I know we usually think of coffee if we are using coffee filters, but you can use these handy guys for pretty much any liquid filtration need – filter cork out of a wine bottle, remove unwanted pulp out of your orange juice or make a DIY tea bag for loose leaf tea.
  3. Great packing material – Although small, coffee filters work amazingly well when used as an in-between layer for dishes or pots and pans that you want to keep from getting scratched or broken. I like layering them in my cast iron pans to prevent gouging and hold some of the seasoning oil at bay.
  4. Carpet or upholstery saver – In a pinch, quickly lay coffee filters on top of a spill. The filter will help absorb some of the liquid and keep damage & stains at bay.
  5. Herb or salad green saver – Once you rinse your herbs and/or greens, wrap them up in a coffee filter to help keep the produce stay fresher in your fridge.
  6. Line your party snack bowls – I like to line our small snack bowls with coffee filters before filling them up with snacks. It makes the bowl look cute and helps create a super-fast clean up!
  7. Use the filter as a splatter screen – Save time by keeping splatters and spills at bay by using a filter to cover containers that you heat up in the microwave.
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Shirley Perlinsky