Holiday Gatherings Equal Holiday Messes – Adopt These 3 Tips To Help Save Your Clothing & Linens


With the holidays being in full swing, we will no doubt attend or host a holiday party or gathering.  With this many people coming in contact with food and beverages, a spill or mess is bound to happen. These three tips can help avoid many unwanted stains on our clothing or linens.

Remove Red Wine Stains – Use white wine on a clean cloth and gently dab or blot the stain.  Allow the white wine to sit on the stain for a couple minutes and then soak the item in cold water for a half hour.  Treat the area with a fabric stain remover and wash at a warm temp.

Gravy or Salad Dressing Stains – Immediately wipe up excess spill and treat the area with a pre-wash stain remover.  Wash the item on a warm water setting in your washing machine.

Coffee or Tea Stains – Soak the stained item in cold water for about a half hour to forty five minutes.  Treat the area with a fabric stain remover and wash the items in the warmest water setting that is allowed for the item that has been stained.


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Shirley Perlinsky