How to Dust Like a Pro

As a professional cleaning service, we know the ins and outs of dusting. Here are a few tips that can help you get through your dusting a little more quickly and at the same time leave your home or office looking beautiful.

Do Not Over-Polish

In fact, most surfaces do not need to be polished at all. Using a microfiber cloth and keeping it a tiny bit damp is a far better solution for removing dust. Only use furniture polish on wood surfaces. It can serve to protect the wood and provide it additional shine. Unfortunately, non-wood surfaces are often damaged over time by polish. If you are unsure of a surface, just use a little water.

A Top-Down Approach

As you dust, it settles. Gravity will do its job and ultimately send everything to the floor. That is why you should start with the highest areas such as cobwebs in ceiling corners, air vents, fan blades, ceiling light fixtures, and high shelving. Then you can work your way down toward the floor. This ensures that you don’t send more dust falling onto lower areas that you have already worked hard to take care of.

Move Items

Simply dusting around an item on a shelf will often leave dust around the edges or perhaps even under the item. As you dust a shelf, remove items—dust them off—and then dust the area where they were sitting before replacing the piece.

Mind the Corners

Our professional cleaning service suggests, at least once per year, that you do a thorough dusting and get into all of those places that your cloth has missed. A cotton swab is a perfect tool for getting into corners. You may be surprised at the amount of dust you find. A good idea is to divide up the house in sections, and just do one room per month to keep dusting from becoming a mammoth chore.

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Shirley Perlinsky