6 Tips To Keeping A Clean House Without Exiling Rover

By:  SGCleaningServices.com

With springtime having just arrived, it means more outside time for our furry friends.  More exercise is fantastic for everyone, but it means that our 4 legged companions will be bringing more of the “outside” inside.  Check out these 6 tips that will help keep your house from smelling like a pet playground.

  1. Create a re-entry basket – When my pooch and I come back in from being outside, I always bring her to a specific entrance where I have a bag waiting with towels, baby wipes and whatever else I might need to make sure my dog is clean and house ready. This helps cut down on dirt and grime being tracked inside.
  2. Bathe Pets often – While we are talking about being clean, make sure you create a bathe schedule for Fido. Keeping our pets clean not only keeps our space cleaner but it keeps our pets’ hair and skin nicer as well.
  3. Keep your dog’s toys, bowls and bedding clean – When these items get constantly used but don’t get cleaned often enough, they can kick up a smell that will wake the dead.  I like to wash my pet’s items once a week.  I put bedding (check the tags first) and toys in the wash and air dry.  Bowls are cleaned every evening.  I have found this to be super helpful in creating an environment that doesn’t smell like I live in a zoo!
  4. Invest in a good vacuum cleaner – These days you can purchase a decent vacuum cleaner that is specifically geared for picking up pet hair. They really do a great job and you will instantly see a huge difference.
  5. Is your furniture pet friendly? – Certain kinds of fabric not only attract pet hair but they also hold on to pet odor.  Do a bit of research for when you are due for a chair or couch upgrade.  You might find that what you currently have is making the problem worse.  I have found leather to be easy to clean and great at keeping odors at bay.
  6. Clean accidents immediately – I know you’re probably thinking GROSS!!!! Who doesn’t clean pet accidents up right away? Most people do, but if your pet stays in during the day while you’re at work and an accident goes unnoticed, it can create quite a stinky mess.  Always make sure your pets aren’t left for too long where accidents are likely to happen and quickly get to the messes before they have time to sit or seep.
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Shirley Perlinsky