5 Ways To Save Energy & Stay Cool During Those Hot Summer Months

By:  SGCleaningServices.com

Summer months can be fabulous with all the fun outdoor activities.  What isn’t so fabulous is the excessive heat.  We have found 5 awesome ways to stay cool and decrease energy usage all at the same time.  Get those pen and papers ready.  You will want to jot these down.

  1. Draw the blinds or shades – When the summer sun glares in through the windows, it can heat up and entire room. Try shutting out some of those rays by closing blinds or shades.  You will notice a difference in no time.
  2. Purchase room or ceiling fans – Fans are relatively inexpensive to use in comparison to AC units. We always like to try utilizing fans first before turning the AC on.
  3. Swap out incandescent lights for LED – Incandescent lighting can actually give off a fair amount of heat. Try substituting with LED’s.
  4. Open windows at night – Give the AC a break during cooler evening hours and open up windows instead. You will just want to make sure you close them in the morning to keep the cool air inside.
  5. Set up that BBQ or outdoor grill – Running the oven during a hot day can be pretty unbearable. Use your BBQ to cook up dinner instead to avoid adding more heat.

There are a lot more ideas out there, but these are just a few of our favorites!


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Shirley Perlinsky