5 Ways To Freshen Up Your Home – Naturally

By:  SGCleaningServices.com

Sometimes are homes need a little pick me up in the smell department.  Smells from food, pets and kids often leave our homes smelling like a zoo or a locker room.  First determine that the offending odor isn’t coming from a specific source (i.e. garbage, pet accident, or left out food) and then give one of these all natural remedies a try.  They are totally fine for the environment and can tackle just about any odor.

  1. Beautify your garbage disposal – Garbage disposals take a huge beating and will often times become stinky from small bits of food that sits in the bottom. I have found a cool trick to help keep our garbage disposal in tip top shape.  All you will need is white vinegar, lemons and an ice cube tray.  Place a piece of lemon (it can be the rind and meat of the lemon) in each ice cube tray compartment.  Fill with straight white vinegar and freeze.  Once frozen pop 1 or 2 cubes in the disposal with water running and the disposal turned on.  I like to keep this frozen deodorizers on hand at all times.
  2. Stash a lavender sash – I am a huge fan of lavender and have a large plant growing in my yard, but you can buy fresh lavender at a nursery or farmers market. Buy a few mesh sashes (they sell them online or at craft stores), fill them up and tie them off.  Place them in different parts of the house that could use some freshening up!
  3. Heat up some orange peel – Take an orange and remove all the peel. Place the peel in a small saucepan of water and put it on low heat on the stove.  The orange water will give off a lovely citrus smell that will waft through your home.  Just make sure that you don’t ever leave your home with the pan on and make sure to monitor the water level so you don’t burn the pan.
  4. Try an essential oil diffuser – This tip costs a little bit more, but I really enjoy them. You can pick up oil diffusers online on amazon (you can use ones that get plugged in or can be used with a candle).  These are great because there are so many oils to choose from.  Pick your oil, diffuser and you are good to go.  I like to place the diffusers in the parts of the house that are lived in the most.
  5. Open a window – Granted there are certain times of the year when this option doesn’t make sense, but fresh air is great at removing stale air and odors. I especially love having my windows open in the springtime when things are blooming and everything smells fresh and new.

So the next time you find your home needing some TLC, try one of these all natural tips!

Shirley Perlinsky