5 Tips That Will Freshen Your Yard For Spring Without Taking Months To Accomplish

By:  SGCleaningServices.com

Spring is such a beautiful time of year.  With winter at our backs, I always look forward to getting out in my yard and bringing it back to life.  While the weather is still shifting I tackle these 5 tasks to help beautify my yard until I can really get out and get to work.  These tips are relatively quick and very easy to accomplish.

  1. Clean out the beds – Sometimes winter can be a cruel beast leaving bits of plant debris all over your yard. Grab a yard waste bag and some outdoor gloves and remove any branches, leaves or dead plants out of your garden beds.
  2. Add extra soil or dark mulch – You can use bark as well if you like, but I am very fond of the dark mulch. It really retains its dark chocolate color making the beds look like they were just freshly dug.  Our flower beds can get a little depleted during the winter months so adding soil or mulch back in, helps beef the beds up a bit.
  3. Trim, trim, trim – Now is a great time to cut back plants, dead head, prune and remove or transfer your plants. This gives the area a fresh, clean feel and it’s also super healthy for your plants.
  4. Plant some flowers – There is nothing lovelier than a spring flower bed with fresh flowers in it. If you didn’t plant bulbs for spring flowers to pop up on their own, try adding some cute little annual flowers from your local nursery to add color and life back to your garden beds.  Make sure to familiarize yourself with where the sun lands in your garden.  This will help ensure the health and growth of your plants.
  5. Check your lawn quality – Spring time generally means bright green, lush grass. Unless of course you have found your lawn looking a bit under the weather.  Try adding some lawn care fertilizers and/or lawn seed.  It’s a great idea to check with your local nursery as to what they would recommend for your particular space.

Feel free to add more items to this list, but following these 5 simple steps will have your outdoor space looking spring ready in no time!

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Shirley Perlinsky