5 Expert Tips To Help Maintain The Life Of Your Roof

By:  SGCleaningServices.com

With weather cooling down and the arrival of fall, it’s a great time to get a jump on managing outdoor tasks. October is a perfect time for checking out the condition of your roof and take care of any maintenance that may need to be done. Below you will find a list of 5 tips to help steer you in the right direction.

1. Check your roof for missing shingles, flashing or signs of rot – If you notice any of these items in a poor state or are present, it’s a good idea to call a professional roofing service and make sure you don’t have any costly leaks. Taking care of problems sooner rather than later helps head off very expensive problems in the furture.

2. Damaged or missing gutter pieces – Fall is a super time to make sure gutters are free of debris and in proper working order. Sufficient rain water collection and removal is essential in maintaining healthy wood around your roof line.

3. Remove any unwanted debris on the roof – make sure there aren’t any trees pressing on or weighing the roof down. The removal of foliage from the roof line also helps keep pesky critters off your house.

4. Treat any moss or algae that’s present – Keeping your shingles free of moss and algae will not only keep your roof looking handsome, but it will also extend the life of your roof as well. There are many products out there to help with moss and algae, as well as professionals that can come and remove them for you.

5. Replace if needed – If you know your roof needs replacing, do it now to avoid unnecessary extra expense. Roofs last anywhere from 20-50 years. Factors that determine the roof life are: materials used, quality of the roof  and roof maintenance. Experts recommend having your roof inspected twice a year to keep a close eye on wear and tear.

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Shirley Perlinsky