5 Areas of Your Home Your Holiday Guests Will Notice – Find Out Where Your Focus Should Be

By:  SGCleaningServices.com

We all know how to spruce up our guest room (our November 1st newsletter helped us with that), but what about the rest of the house?  What do our house guests really notice and what really matters the most when it comes to cleaning and organizing? We are here to tell you that there is no need for a mini home makeover. Just focus on these 5 areas and your guest will feel right at home.

  1. Make sure there aren’t any odd smells or odors – This one, especially if the odor is particularly pungent, can be very intrusive to guests. Make sure you wash dog beds and clean pet areas thoroughly before guests arrive.  You will also want to be mindful of any holiday scents or candles that are too strong.  Some scents are lovely, but make sure you chose ones that don’t permeate the entire house.
  2. Clean out the fridge – Since we invite most of our guests to “feel at home”, we want to make sure that the fridge has been purged of any old items, cleaned and stocked with a few cold beverages.
  3. Sweep/vacuum and mop floors – There isn’t anything worse than walking on floors where you can feel crumbs or the floor feels sticky. Make sure all floors are properly cleaned prior to your guest’s arrival.
  4. Clean and wipe down bathrooms – I feel like number 4 should be a no brainer, but it’s so important to make sure that all bathrooms have been cleaned and wiped down. No one likes to get ready or freshen up in a dirty bathroom.  Also, remember to stock your bathroom with extra toilet paper so your guest isn’t stuck in an awkward situation.
  5. Make sure bed linens are washed, clean and ready for your guest – There is nothing better than crawling into a crisp, clean bed. No one wants to find a used or unmade bed at a hotel and the same goes for guest rooms at a family or friends house. Your goal is to make the bed look and feel inviting.  This can be accomplished with sheets that you already have on hand.  Just add a cute decorative pillow and you will be all set!

That’s the 5.  Guests don’t generally notice whether the towels look new or if everything is 100 percent organized.  Doing these easy 5 things will help your guest feel at ease and won’t have you cleaning for 2 weeks prior to their arrival.


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Shirley Perlinsky