3 Easy Ways To Turn Your Boring Bed Into A Luxurious Oasis

By:  SGCleaningServices.com

When most people think about their beds they focus on the linen count or mattress brand.  As important as that is, I also think the visual part of our beds is just as important.  In the past I have felt the need to match everything so exactly that instead of creating a bed that’s picture ready I have created an environment that’s dull and boring. Below I have listed 3 ways to bring sexy back to your bed.

  1. Mix different color shades and textures – We need to veer away from the idea that every color, texture and style need to match. It’s boring, unoriginal and doesn’t set the stage for a luxurious bedroom.  Try getting pillow colors in a variety of shades and layer them.  Shams and comforters can also be different colors and fabric textures.  It helps give the overall feel some depth and makes it interesting to look at.
  2. Layers aren’t just for clothes – I mentioned this briefly in the paragraph above, but layering pillows and blankets makes a bed look cushy and inviting. It’s also helpful for when you sleep giving you a variety of options as far as comfort is concerned.
  3. Use linen that YOU love – I know that that thread count and specific linens are all the rage, but make the bed up in your linen preference. You are the one sleeping in the bed and comfort is a very personal thing.

Add all these tips together and you will create your own personal yummy bed oasis!

Shirley Perlinsky