Why Carpet Cleaning Services Are Worth the Investment

As a facility manager or building owner, choosing to outsource your carpet cleaning services can be a hard decision. Not only can it be hard to see the full benefits of doing so, but you’re probably also worrying about how much money should be spent and how you can make sure you don’t get scammed.

At S&G Cleaning Services, we’ve heard it all from our customers. That’s why we’ve put together a quick synopsis for you of 1) why carpet cleaning services are worth the investment and 2) why choosing to partner with S&G Cleaning Services is in your best interest. 

The Health of Your Facility Matters

It’s no secret that the health and wellness of your facility matters, especially in the midst of a global pandemic. Not only do you have yourself to protect, but you also have your employees and customers to think about as well. 

Which begs to question: do you know exactly how dirty carpets can get? And we don’t mean the common knowledge of the fact that they soak up liquid stains and attract mud from your shoes. 

Carpets can hold up to four times their weight in dirt. Four. Times. This means the last couple of weeks of people walking on your carpets is still there, deep in the fibers. Not to mention the bacteria and allergens that take root on your fibers and don’t let go. Why do you think your carpet starts to look dingy so fast? 

This is where carpet cleaning services come to the rescue. Trained professionals understand these problems and know how to get rid of them. They can deep clean your carpets down to the root, getting rid of harmful dirt, bacteria and viruses. This will help protect your facility from the next flu outbreak. Plus, your allergy sufferers will thank you! 

The Appearance of Your Facility Matters

The power of first impressions is real. Once people think something about someone or something, it’s usually very hard to turn them away from those initial judgments. 

This means your business or facility has to be at its best at all times. You need to wow your customers, make them feel welcome and at home in your space. And you know what won’t do that? Dirty, stained carpets that look and feel old. 

Professional carpet cleaning can take your old, tattered carpet and make it look and feel brand new. From hot water extraction to steaming to a good old deep vacuum, regular carpet care helps you pull in more customers and keep them for the long run.

Your Time Matters

Let’s face it; doing it yourself (or having employees do it) just isn’t cutting it anymore. Or maybe you’re not taking care of your carpets at all because you don’t have the time. Either way, your time matters. 

If you’re busy trying to take care of your carpets, there’s a chance you’re not doing it right. If your employees are doing it then that’s taking away time they could be more effective elsewhere in the workplace.  

Working with a trusted carpet cleaning service allows you to make the most out of your time stressing about the things that really matter rather than the health and life of your carpets. Plus, your clean carpets and better applied workforce time will boost employee morale, motivating them to work more efficiently. 

Partnering with S&G Cleaning Services

Our professional carpet cleaning services are some of the best in the industry. Not only are our plans customized to your facility, they are also customized to the type of carpet you have and how long you’ve had it. 

There are many things that can go wrong when cleaning your commercial carpets. You can accidentally lessen their life span, make a stain worse or completely miss dirt and bacteria deep in the fibers. 

With our commercial carpet cleaning, that’s not something you have to worry about. We use enhanced technology to refresh and brighten your carpets, making them look brand new. We can serve a variety of industries, and two we would like to highlight are banks and nursing homes. 


There are many people who come through financial institutions every day, tracking in dirt and dust from the outside. Banks are meant to be clean and seem luxurious to show that your bank is professional enough to properly handle people’s money. With our services, your carpets will always look clean and fresh. 

Nursing Homes

The number one concern of nursing homes is keeping their residents safe and healthy, especially because they are at higher risk of sickness. Because carpets can hold so much bacteria, commercial carpet cleaning would be an asset to the health of everyone there. Plus, it will make the carpets feel amazing, which is a great bonus for the residents.

Request a Quote Today!

Are you ready to make an investment for your business or facility that will really make a difference? With the carpet cleaning services from S&G Cleaning you can get:

  • A personalized cleaning plan with your space in mind
  • Skilled and trained cleaning crews who know what they’re doing
  • Communication at all times about your service
  • The ability to ask questions and demand exactly what you want, because we want you happy
  • Peace of mind your carpets and space is finally taken care of

Plus, by hiring us we can also offer you a long range of other services to enhance your space and make your job easier than we already will. Request a quote today!

Shirley Perlinsky