How a Weekly House Cleaning Service Can Improve Your Life

Maybe you’ve considered hiring a weekly house cleaning service before, but if you’ve procrastinated about hiring professional cleaning companies in New Jersey, now is the time to schedule a weekly cleaning.  It’s an opportunity to commit to a clean home, money saved, and more quality time with your family– and less time cleaning.

Weekly house cleaning sessions completed by trained professionals really can change your life. Maybe you’ve thought in the past that you’re saving money by taking a DIY approach to cleaning your house, or by only hiring someone to come clean occasionally, but the time and money saved by scheduling weekly cleanings can really add up– and improve your life in the process.

We’re not exaggerating; a weekly house cleaning can make way for big changes in your life. Here’s how:

You’ll Save Money in Cleaning Costs

If you’ve held off on hiring a weekly cleaning service, maybe you think that by only paying a service to clean your home occasionally, you’re spending less money. Think again. Hiring a cleaning company infrequently means that more time passes between cleanings. There is more to be done when a cleaning company comes to clean so sporadically. More time and effort is required at each visit to perform a thorough cleaning. It can take 2 to 3 times as long as a weekly cleaning might take.

Hiring a cleaning company to take care of your home each week means there is less to do at each visit. Professionally-trained cleaning technicians maintain a higher level of cleanliness when they take care of your home so frequently. Because of this, each visit takes less time and effort to get your home to shine, and the cleaning service can charge you less.

Cleaning service fees vary based on how frequently your home is professionally cleaned. Angie’s List states that a weekly cleaning service can cost somewhere around $100 to $150 each week– and house cleaning services in New Jersey are no exception. But wait a few months between cleanings, and the cost increases dramatically; a whole-house deep cleaning could cost you between $200 and $400!

You may be paying for more visits, but each visit will cost you much less than a monthly or one-time cleaning.

weekly house cleaning

You Stay Accountable

When too much time passes between cleanings, clutter and dust accumulate, and messes grow out of control. If you are hiring cleaners to come monthly or less, you probably spend quite a bit of your own time cleaning your house to get it ready for the professional cleaners to come. 

However, if you hire weekly house cleaning services, you don’t end up with as much clutter, mess, or dust. Less time has passed, and so fewer messes accumulate between cleanings. The average cost of cleaning service per visit drops.

Hiring a weekly cleaning service is an investment. Perhaps you have a habit of making messes. But if you are investing in your home by paying someone to clean it? Your family is more likely to protect that investment. You’re more likely to pick up throughout the week if you have professional cleaners coming weekly to take care of your home.

You Have a Weekly Fresh Start

Hiring a weekly cleaning service means you get to come home to a clean home and enjoy it– without any of the work that goes along with it. Your countertops are spotless, your floors are swept and mopped, and no dust bunnies are lurking in the corners. And the air has that amazing just-cleaned smell thanks to the (environmentally friendly) cleaning products. There’s no clutter to deal with.

Having a home that is clean and clutter-free is actually healthier for your brain. It’s been scientifically proven that a messy home affects your brain and makes it harder to focus on important tasks, and causes stress. A clean home gives you peace of mind. It’s self-care – and your whole family benefits from the results. 

You Save (a lot of) Time

What else could you be doing with this time if you hired a weekly cleaning service? Americans spend, on average, upwards of 6 hours per week cleaning–  and some spend more like 7 hours each week. That’s a lot of time that you could use to spend time with family or pursue a hobby.

This means that when you hire a weekly cleaning service, you save between 24 and 28 hours of time each month, or somewhere between 312 and 364 hours per year, which amounts to around 15 days each year! 

What could you do with more than two additional weeks every year? What could you accomplish? Even if you hire a bi-weekly cleaning service, you save between 156 and 182 hours every year. 

Your time costs money. With the time you save, you can spend more time working and earning money, or more quality time with family and friends. Can you put a price or value on additional time to help your child with their homework, volunteering for a local charity, or pursuing a personal goal?

If you had an extra 15 days every year, what would you do with it? Maybe it’s time to hire a weekly cleaning service.

You Can Focus on Household Chores You Like Doing

We all have chores we love– and chores we would rather skip. A weekly cleaning service can take care of those tasks that you don’t want to do, and frees up your time to tackle other things around the house; things you never seem to find the time to you.

Conquer home improvement tasks, or organize your garage. Maybe you want to konmari your closet and get rid of everything that doesn’t spark joy? You can donate all your unwanted items from the garage and closet to a local shelter or charity.

Professional cleaners will handle the dirty jobs because that’s their occupation. You have more time to organize your bookshelves, cook healthy meals, meal prep for the week, or clean out your fridge as often as you’d like to. Suddenly, you’re able to cross major items off of your to-do list– because you have the time.

If you’re looking for weekly professional cleaning services in New Jersey, look no further than S&G Cleaning. Our clients love the way we care for their homes each week, as if they were our own. Are you ready for a weekly cleaning?  We offer residential cleanings at whatever frequency works best for you. 

Let us change your life: Request a free estimate, and schedule your weekly cleaning service today!

weekly house cleaning

Shirley Perlinsky