Natural Ways To Remove Iron Stains From Clothing

Iron stains can be really very hard to get rid off completely from clothes. These stains occur in your washed garments when you hang them on an iron holder or an iron wire or dry in sun. In certain spots, the measure of iron substance in water is more. That is the reason; your white clothes easily come in contact with iron and become yellow even after washing appropriately several times. These iron stains are hard to remove completely and can be clearly visible if you wear light-colored undergarments with them. To help you overcome this problem, below are the surefire ways to remove iron stains.

Try white vinegar to brighten your clothes

Distilled white vinegar is all you need to bring back the whiteness in your clothes. White-colored clothes turn yellowish because of the iron substance in water. So, every time add a tablespoon of white vinegar to the water while washing white clothes to keep them white forever.

Use lime juice as a natural bleaching agent

Lemon juice has an acetic acid substance in it and is known as a natural bleaching agent which is used to remove all stains even stubborn stains too from clothes. So, if you want to remove iron stains from clothing completely, rub the stains with a lemon slice. You can apply a pinch of salt on the lime slice as well to remove underarm stains or iron stains from clothes.

Baking soda – a miracle worker for laundry

Baking soda is another natural ingredient that you can use to completely remove stubborn iron stains from your clothes. You just need to add 1 tablespoon of baking soda in around 1/2 bucket of cold water. Soak your clothes in the mixture for about 20-25 minutes. Then, wash them off with mild detergent powder. Now, let them dry in the sun and fresh air.

Hydrogen peroxide with tarter is a great iron stain remover

Go for this sure-fire iron stain remover. Make a paste with a teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide with a little amount of tartar cream or little bit non-gel toothpaste. Now, apply this paste on the stain and rub it gently with a soft cloth. Rinse them off, and you will see the iron stain, will be gone magically.

Try these natural ways to get rid off iron stains from your clothes permanently. If the iron stains come again on your clothes, try to wash them off with hot or mineral water with these natural ingredients again!

Shirley Perlinsky