How Professional House Cleaners Work to Keep Your Home Safe

Inviting someone else into your home to clean and care for it can feel like a big risk. After all, will they clean with the same level of care you would? Are they using products that you would use around your children and pets? 

Many independent contractors don’t know the right tools and skills to clean your home safely or perhaps don’t know how to prevent incidents like spilled floor cleaner or a broken lamp.

When you hire professional house cleaners, though, you are hiring a team of expertly trained technicians. They know not only how to get your home looking its very best but also how to keep your home a safe place for you and your family. 

So how do professional house cleaners do it? How do they keep your home safe and sparkling?

Making Your Home More Hygienic

Is your home hygienic, or is it just clean? There’s definitely a difference, and especially during cold and flu season, it’s a big one. 

How are they different? Cleaning is removing unwanted matter from your home, while making it hygienic is sanitizing your home to remove illness-causing germs. 

Professional house cleaners are trained in the right techniques to clean your home in order to prevent the spread of illness. This means that when you hire professional house cleaning services, you are working to keep your family healthier. We know which products to use to do the job properly and kill all the unwanted germs.

Have you ever heard of fomites? Fomites are hard surfaces we encounter every day that are contaminated with infectious viruses or bacteria. They serve as mechanisms to transfer these illnesses from person to person. 

A classic example of this is a water fountain that has been contaminated by one person’s germs and passes them on to others, but almost everything we touch on a daily basis is also a fomite: things like doorknobs, light switches, handrails and even countertops.

When you hire a professional cleaning service, we aren’t just focusing on cleaning your home so that it looks good. We also are working to ensure that your home is free of unwanted bacteria and viruses so your family stays well.

professional house cleaners

Using Safety Data Sheets

You probably already know that mixing bleach and ammonia—two very popular household cleaning agents—can be deadly. But what other combinations of cleaning products should never be mixed? 

It can be daunting to use any cleaning products at all after hearing the horror stories. So what products do professional house cleaners use? And how can they be sure they are using them in a way that is safe for your family? 

Most professional house cleaners have gone through specialized training where we learn to read Safety Data Sheets, or SDSs. 

These SDSs not only cover the physical properties of the product, such as flash point and safe and proper color of these products, but also how to handle each product in the event of a spill or injury. An SDS will cover the proper procedures for spills as well as first aid and safe transportation and storage of each different cleaning product.

And if a cleaning product shouldn’t be mixed or used in tandem with another kind of cleaning product, the SDS will go over all of that information in detail too.

Why is this important to you? Because the products that your professional house cleaner uses in your home matter, and how they might affect your family matters a lot. Some cleaning products can cause lung damage and other respiratory issues, which is why your safety is of the utmost importance to a professional cleaning company. 

We don’t want to expose ourselves to the wrong combination of products, and we certainly don’t want your loved ones exposed either. This is also why we at S&G Cleaning Services use only environmentally safe cleaning products and follow up by always checking the SDS for each product we use—because your health matters to us.

Preventing Accidents

At S&G Cleaning Services, we learn the proper techniques to limit damage or injury while we are cleaning your home. This means that we learn how to prevent slips, falls and climbing injuries as well as how to protect ourselves from chemical splashes and respiratory issues that result from using cleaning products without taking the proper precautions. 

This also means we are careful not to use anything but a ladder to climb (and only when absolutely necessary) and do everything in our expert power to prevent any kind of unwanted incident when we are working in your home. 

Of course, professional cleaning services like S&G Cleaning also are fully bonded and insured so that you never are liable in the event of an injury and never financially responsible for any damage. But professional cleaners like the ones on our team also learn how to mitigate these events so they are the exception and never the norm. 

We also learn how to prevent damage from dropping, nudging or bumping your priceless heirlooms while we are cleaning. It’s how we are able to take care of your home as if it were our own.

professional house cleaners

Training Thoroughly

Professional house cleaners learn how to use these strong household cleaners without damaging your home. We learn which products to use and when. We wouldn’t use a wood furniture polish on your floors, for example, because we know that would make your floors dangerously slippery and can leave your floors looking cloudy. 

Trained professional house cleaners also learn how to handle and transport cleaning supplies so they don’t spill. Imagine what a bleach spill could do to a beautiful rug! 

Another upside to working with a professionally trained house cleaning service? We learn how to clean efficiently. We have special tricks and systems in place to make the process of getting your home cleaned and sanitized happen in no time. Not only do we know which products to use (and how to use them) and how to prevent accidents, but we learn the skills to do so quickly so you can get on with your day and enjoy your clean home.

At S&G Cleaning Services, we take residential cleaning very seriously, and that’s why all of our team members receive such thorough training. It’s what’s given us our spotless reputation since 1987 here in Mendham

Want to hear more about how we keep the homes of satisfied clients so clean and safe? Check out their thoughts here. Let us keep your home clean, hygienic and safe. Request a free estimate today, and let the professionals take over from here!

Shirley Perlinsky