How to Clean for Back-to-School and Get Your Apartment Ready for the New Semester

While the thought of back-to-school season may fill you with dread, there’s no denying that now is the perfect time to clean your apartment or house and get it organized before the new semester starts. As soon as classes start, your free time will be limited, so you’ll want to take full advantage of this last opportunity to clean up your home before the fall semester begins. If you can’t manage to clean up your entire house in one weekend, try focusing on one room at a time, such as starting with your kitchen or bathroom. Check out our tips to get ready for the school year! And – give us a call! We clean dorms, apartments, townhouses, homes, and even fraternity and sorority houses at local universities – such as Rutgers University.

Vacuum your home

Vacuuming your apartment floors should be part of your regular cleaning routine. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, vacuuming can cut down on dust, dander, hair, mold spores, and even viruses in your home. Vacuuming helps reduce airborne particles that collect in carpets and rugs – near where people spend more time than anywhere else in their home. When you remove these particles from rugs, upholstery, and other soft surfaces it means less dust collects on furniture throughout your home, such as couches or tables that college students will use frequently over weekends and during parties. Plus a good vacuuming session can release some stress that comes with back-to-school or preparing for a new semester!

Do a deep clean on your bathrooms

After using a communal bathroom, you probably think your own bathrooms are clean. You have better things to do than scrub toilets, right? That’s probably true, but your bathrooms might not be as clean as you think they are. Bathrooms and the air atmosphere around them contain several unwanted particles and bacteria that we want to get rid of. Scrub that tub, scrub that sink. Sweep and mop the floors and add an Air Wick or other air freshener for a nice touch.

Deep clean your kitchen and cabinets

On average, college students spend 30 minutes preparing and eating their meals, meaning your kitchen and cabinets should be sparkling clean before you start each semester. Not only will it make meal prep easier (and less stressful), but it can also help prevent injury, as many of us have been burned after touching a handle or dirty surface in our kitchens. Dusting and vacuuming can take up a lot of time, but hiring a cleaning service will give you that extra boost of motivation you need to stay on top of your kitchen maintenance.

Also, don’t forget to put back your pots and pans where they belong and organize your cabinets. One way to keep cabinets clean is to organize them by section and add disposable liners to the base to prevent dust from getting all over your plates, cups, and so on. We also highly recommend a utensil organizer for your utensil drawer. These things will make your days so much smoother once you start school at your apartment!

Wash your windows

Washing your windows in your apartment is actually much easier than you might think. To wash large windows, all you need is a gallon of water, vinegar, paper towels, an old rag or sponge, and a squeegee (or microfiber cloth). To clean your windows effectively, pour one part vinegar with two parts water into a bucket. Dip your rag or sponge in it and wring it out so it’s damp but not dripping wet. Add soap if you’d like. Using circular motions, wipe off each pane. Then use your squeegee to smooth everything out while wiping up any streaks or smudges left behind as a result of excess moisture on window panes. Whatever you use, clean windows allow the natural light to come in and brighten up your whole space!

Declutter and organize every room in your house

If you’re a college student, your dorm or apartment will look significantly different by midterms – and for good reason. You’ll have moved in, furnished your room, and met plenty of new friends. The apartment will be full of life and fun, but also probably pretty cluttered. Take a few hours before school starts and organize everything in your home so you can easily find what you need. Then, stock up on cleaning supplies (something else you’ll definitely need as a student), and use your free time to clean up your living space. By doing so, you won’t dread coming home after midterms – you’ll appreciate it! Relaxing is always better in a clean space.

Clean out your closets

College students should clean their closets because college students may have clothes from previous years, from before they were in college, or even clothes that were handed down. All of these clothes will either be too small or too big or just don’t fit anymore. By getting rid of these extra items you can make room for your new items! By throwing out old clothes you are helping yourself with cleaning clutter, and saving space in your closet.

However, instead of just throwing out your old clothes, you can also try to sell them to a store like Plato’s Closet or Uptown Cheapskate. There are also other platforms online that you can use to sell such as eBay, Mercari, Depop, and so on. If your clothes are not selling or you’d prefer to just get rid of them immediately, you can even donate them to a local organization or on-campus donation drive. This will help someone in need!

Prepare for back-to-school

College students can prepare for the school year in a variety of ways, from grocery shopping to getting everything ready for the first day. Some things you should always keep on hand include pens, pencils, notebooks (and a way to keep them organized), printer paper, highlighters, calculators, and a laptop or computer. Before heading out for the semester you should go through all of your clothes (you don’t want a repeat of freshman year) as well as your medicine cabinet (check expirations). If you have pets at home make sure they have clean collars, bedding, and feeding dishes.

Contact Us

Again, if you and your roommates want to invest in a cleaning service, you know the place. We also clean sorority houses and fraternity houses with no judgment. So you have that party and enjoy your summer. We’ll come in and clean it for you right before back to school and even throughout the year!

S&G Cleaning Services values consistent, quality service and trustworthy business practices. You can rest assured that your home or your friends’ (or both) will be taken care of effectively and efficiently with us. If you reside in Somerset County, NJ, or nearby areas in New Jersey, contact us today at (908) 722-9254 to clean up your living space, as well as your loved ones’. Our cleaners will leave it spotless as we uphold our satisfaction guarantee!

Shirley Perlinsky