Do You Make Mistakes When You Dust?

I don’t know how often you do it, but I do it once a week. Dust my house that is. While it is a thankless, never-ending task, I always think the house is clean after dusting. And then I spy more dust. So I was thinking maybe I’m doing something wrong. What do the experts say? Listed below are the 5 biggest mistakes we make when we dust according to Good Housekeeping magazine in an article dated 2/14/14. I thought I would share so that all of you can learn what I did.

1. Using a feather duster
Although I don’t use one, I do own a few feather dusters. This tool simply spreads dust from one surface to another. Instead, select microfiber dusters or electrostatic dusters, like Swiffers, that grab and hold onto dust. And to ensure they continue to pick up dust, wash or replace them when they get dirty.

2. Overlooking heating and air conditioning vents
These invisible grilles on your walls and ceilings are hidden dust magnets. Forget to clean them and the air blowing through them can fill your room with dust quickly. With your vacuum’s soft brush attachment, take a minute to go over the slats when you vacuum your floor or whenever you see dust accumulating on them.

3. Dry dusting
When dust is dry, it easily becomes airborne and is harder to gather and remove. Spritz microfibers dusters and cloths with a dusting spray or polish for easier cleaning and better results.

4. Spraying polish directly on furniture
Do this and you risk forming a filmy build-up on your wood that is difficult to remove and ultimately attracts more dust. Instead, spray your cloth and pass it gently across the furniture’s surface. If you prefer to spray your furniture, do so lightly and, after you dust, buff again with a clean cloth to remove any polish residue.

5. Forgetting to change or clean your vacuum’s filters
Vacuum cleaner filters are designed to capture the fine dust and particles the vacuum collects. Clogged filters can’t trap this dust and may, in fact, spew it back into the air. It’s important to replace or wash any filters as often as your model’s manufacturer recommends.

So based on this list, I do some things right and some things wrong when it comes to dusting. How about you?


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Shirley Perlinsky