Is a Cleaning Services Company better than an Independent Cleaner?

When you have a full schedule, a busy family and extracurricular activities and you’re being pulled in every direction, it might be time to get a little more help at home. 

If there aren’t enough hours in your day and your household chores are the first thing to fall by the wayside, it’s probably time to bring in the professionals to clean your home for you. 

If you are starting to look for a house cleaner, there are a lot of factors to consider to find the right fit for your family. The main decision you have to make? Whether it’s right for you to hire independent house cleaners or a cleaning services company that offers residential cleaning services.

Sure, we might be biased, but we think there’s no better option than hiring a professional cleaning service to take care of your home and clean it with as much care as you would give when cleaning your house yourself. 

Let’s take a look at the reasons you should hire the pros to clean your home for you:

A Deeper Clean

Professional house cleaners like our team go through extensive amounts of training to learn how to clean your home well and how to clean it efficiently. You’ll notice a big difference with a professional cleaning service. 

Cleaning technicians who work for these professional services learn the proper techniques and tools to clean and sanitize your home to the highest of standards. It doesn’t just look cleaner—it is cleaner. 

An independent house cleaner may make your home appear cleaner, but chances are they haven’t received this same level of training that our team at S&G Cleaning has. It may also take them a lot longer to clean your home. A team of trained technicians employed by a professional cleaning services company might take an hour or two to clean your entire home, while it could take a single independent contractor an entire day without the same results. 

The other big difference is a professional team of cleaners knows the difference between cleaning your home and sanitizing it. An independent cleaner might clean your home: They will pick up and remove clutter and mess, ensure everything is in its proper place, and take care of cosmetic issues like dusting and vacuuming. But a team of professionals will also sanitize your home, ensuring your home is clean and hygienic by removing germs and bacteria that may expose your family to illness. 

Well-trained professional cleaners who work with a cleaning company will know the germiest surfaces in your home (called fomites) that can spread bacteria and viruses. They know which products to use to disinfect everything and keep your home safe.

cleaning services company

You’ll Notice a Difference in Availability

One of the main considerations that might affect your choice between an independent contractor and a professional house cleaning service is availability. Do you have the flexibility in your schedule to match an independent cleaner’s schedule?

When you hire an independent house cleaner, they are scheduled to come on a particular day—and you’re usually at the mercy of their schedule. But if they call in sick or cancel, you are left without someone to clean your home that day, even if you are hosting an event that same evening. If this were to happen, it would make your to-do list considerably longer to make up for the last-minute cancellation.

When you work with a cleaning services company, though, there are multiple people on staff. This means that, no matter what, your home will get cleaned with the same level of professionalism and polish each time they visit. 

You can trust that a cleaning service will have team members available to clean your home no matter what because their reputation as a professional business matters. 

Another consideration? Your actual availability. Do you have time to leave your home for an entire day to allow independent house cleaners to come and clean thoroughly (especially if only one person is cleaning)? If you work from home or have small children, you may not have the luxury to be gone for hours to allow for this.

If this is the case, you may benefit from working with professional house cleaners like S&G Cleaning. You choose a day and a rough time frame that works for you. We bring a crew of several people who come in and divide and conquer to clean your home and get it looking its best so you can return to your regularly scheduled day.

cleaning services company

Safety, Insurance, Legality and Liability

Are you aware that if you pay your independent cleaner more than $2,100 in a single year, the IRS considers this an employer/employee relationship? You’ll have to withhold and pay taxes. But if you hire a professional cleaning company, you don’t ever have to worry about this. Instead, the company takes care of everything.

Another thought: Most independent contractors aren’t insured or bonded. This means you are financially and legally responsible for items that happen to break or get damaged and also for any injuries that happen on your property. 

With professional cleaning services like ours at S&G Cleaning, all of our employees are fully bonded and insured, have passed a thorough background check, and are trained in how to safely clean your home to avoid injury or damage. With an independent contractor, if the wood floor gets scratched or someone falls, you have to pay for repairs, medical bills or lost wages. 

With S&G Cleaning, an insurance plan is in place to alleviate any fears about liability or financial responsibility. We have insurance to protect you and your home in the event of a major or minor catastrophe. You can relax and enjoy your clean home, safe in the knowledge you’re not legally responsible for anything. 

If you’re looking for a house cleaning company in New Jersey, you can’t match the professionalism, flexibility and deep clean of working with S&G Cleaning Services. You’ll also understand why we have so many thrilled clients who are happy to share their stories with you about the kind of difference you’ll see when you hire a professional cleaning service.

Perhaps it’s time you experience the professional difference for yourself. Request a free estimate today, and let us take over from there!

Shirley Perlinsky