Six Health Benefits of a Clean Home You Haven’t Considered

A clean home is a wonderful thing to have. There’s a certain freedom in knowing that even if your in-laws or friends stop by unexpectedly, your home will be tidy and mess-free, and you won’t have to scramble around, picking up clutter or worrying about dust bunnies lurking in the corner. 

But bragging rights of a clean home aside, did you know that a clean home also can make a world of difference in your family’s health and wellbeing? There are more benefits of cleaning than just being able to have company drop by.

Whether you suffer from asthma or allergies, are looking for some stress relief or a better night’s sleep, or want to start eating healthier, a clean home affects the way you live your whole life here in Flemington, N.J. 

So what are some benefits of a clean home that you may have overlooked? 

1. It’s Highly Beneficial for Allergy and Asthma Sufferers

Regular weekly cleanings can actually dramatically reduce symptoms in people with allergies and those with asthma. 

Dusting shelves, ceiling fans, baseboards and all other places that dust might settle, plus vacuuming carpets and upholstered furniture, washing linens, and preventing mold and mildew in the bathroom are all ways to keep allergens at bay and make breathing easier—and all are easy things to do during a weekly cleaning. 

When you’re cleaning for health reasons, you’ll quickly see the benefits of how your regular dustings and scrubbing sessions will positively impact your overall wellbeing. 

There are also lots of extra precautions you can take as a person with allergies or someone with asthma to capture all those dust particles and keep them from floating in the air, and this will only boost the positive effects of a good cleaning to keep you from sneezing and sniffling or prevent your next asthma attack. 

Using a vacuum with a HEPA filter and using a damp microfiber cloth are both ways to catch even the tiniest of dust particles so that your home is allergen-free and a safe, comfortable space for you to live. These vacuums have been medically reviewed to ensure their allergy-friendly nature. 

benefits of a clean home

2. A Clean Home Lowers Your Stress and Fatigue Levels

Why is it important to have a clean house? Because you’ll quickly learn that a clean home is a peaceful home. 

Clutter and mess take over your house and pull your focus away from where it needs to be. Maybe you’ve heard the phrase, “Clean home, clean mind”? There is actually a powerful, scientifically-backed correlation between a clean home and an improved state of mind.  

According to Psychology Today, this correlation between mental health and a clean home is a big one. When polled, women with cluttered homes also had higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol. And women with cluttered homes were more likely to be depressed and fatigued than women who described their homes as restful and restorative. 

So one of the major benefits of a clean home? You may find a little more pep in your step, a little more energy to get through the day, and a better outlook on life and on the tasks you have to accomplish.

3. A Clean Home Means Better Sleep

Are you waking up tired every morning? Just how important is keeping a clean house to your sleep hygiene?

Believe it or not, a clean home is crucial to a good night’s sleep, and it may make all the difference for you. Rather than pour out another cup of coffee in the morning, a clean home may be the thing you need to feel more rested and have more energy to get through the day. 

Just completing a single chore can help. People who make their beds are 19 percent more likely to report getting a good night’s sleep, and 75 percent of people with clean sheets reported feeling more rested as well. 

A clean home is more peaceful. It’s more comfortable—just like those freshly cleaned sheets we talked about. When you have dust, grime, clutter, a sink full of dirty dishes or a pile of laundry needing to be washed, your mind subconsciously adds it to your long list of things to do. It causes stress and affects your ability to sleep.

So a clean home? It can be the first step to feeling truly rested when you wake up each morning.

benefits of a clean home

4. Your Home Is Safer When It’s Clean

The two main causes of injuries in the home are falls and fires. If you’re trying to step around clutter or piles of laundry that must be put away, you put yourself at risk of falling. These kinds of falls can cause sprained limbs and even head injuries. 

Another thing to consider: Anything that blocks a doorway or hallway or is on the stairs is a proven fire hazard. Clutter can cause a fire to spread more quickly, and when it’s in the way, not only does it become a tripping hazard, but it also can keep you from getting out the door to safety in the event of a fire.

Why is cleaning important then? Having a clean home may just save your life. 

5. A Clean Home May Impact Your Waistline

We’ve already established that one of the major benefits of having a clean home is how it can positively affect your stress levels. But the surprising truth is that a clean home also may keep you feeling fit and trim.

When we are stressed, we reach for comfort food. And clutter in the kitchen is proven to cause us to consume more calories, while a clean kitchen will lead to us eating fewer calories.

In a study conducted with nearly 100 women, half waited in a messy, cluttered kitchen with newspapers on the table and dishes in the sink and the other half in a clean, uncluttered, quiet kitchen. The results? The women in the messy kitchens consumed more overall and ate more calories too. 

Sure, consuming fewer calories in a clean kitchen may lead to weight loss. But the most important thing is you’ll feel less stressed, you’ll make smarter food decisions, and you’ll be healthier in the long run. 

6. When You Clean Your Home, You’re Preventing the Spread of Germs

Perhaps one of the biggest benefits of a clean home is its impact on the spread of germs and illness. Did you know that we take an estimated 50 million sick days from work each year and that children miss approximately 60 million school days because of illness? 

We can prevent the spread of illness by regularly cleaning and disinfecting the surfaces of our home. Even when not visibly soiled, kitchen and bathroom counters, doorknobs, toilet seats, cabinets and drawer handles, and children’s toys may be contaminated with bacteria.

Which surfaces should get your attention during flu season, when a family member is sick, or during your weekly cleanings?

  • Your phone
  • The remote control
  • The bathroom (faucets, handles and doorknobs, and the toilet—and don’t forget to replace hand towels)
  • Tables
  • Computers
  • Stuffed animals
  • Sheets, blankets, and towels

Cleaning (and more importantly, disinfecting) these surfaces is the best way to prevent the spread of the common cold, the flu, and more. 

Are you concerned that there just isn’t the time to get your home clean the way you want? Sure, the health benefits are important, but how can you find the time? 

At S&G Cleaning, we understand. Life gets busy. That’s why we have made it our mission to provide clean homes to families in Flemington and the surrounding areas—so our clients’ homes are cleaner and our clients are happier and healthier. 

We are an insured, bonded, and professionally trained team that cares about how your clean home affects your life. And as a result, we have clients who are thrilled with the work we do for them each week. 

We specialize in residential cleaning, catering to the needs of each of our families, so if you need specific attention to dust because of allergies or asthma, or if you need a little extra sanitizing because your kids came home from school with a cold, we are here to help keep your family well.

At S&G Cleaning, we know that life gets busy. Here in Flemington, it’s challenging to find the time to keep our homes clean. Family means more. Work gets busy. But your health should always be a priority, and that’s where we at S&G Cleaning can help. 

We think a clean home is so vital to our overall health and happiness that we have made it a priority to give back to cancer patients and veterans right here in Flemington. Why? Because health matters and because we know the benefits of cleaning and how a clean home can have a huge impact on a person’s wellbeing.

Can we keep your home clean and give you a little immune boost in the process? Request a free quote today!

benefits of a clean home

Shirley Perlinsky