5 Ways to Have Fun While Cleaning

Cleaning your home can seem like a boring chore, but it doesn’t have to be that way! Many people view cleaning as something that just needs to get done and not much else, but you can actually have fun with it if you approach it the right way. Here are 5 ways recommended by S&G Cleaning to have fun while cleaning so you (almost) look forward to this necessary task instead of dreading it!

1) Listen to music

Listening to music while cleaning can help make the task more enjoyable. It can provide a much-needed distraction from the monotony of cleaning and can help you feel more motivated to keep going. Plus, it can be a great way to unwind after a long day. There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing music to clean with, though. Just make sure the music is upbeat and positive! Also, if you prefer audiobooks or podcasts, you can tune into those too! So you can now watch that new podcast episode or TedTalk you have been waiting for, even while getting some chores done. Cleaning will definitely go by faster!

2) Set a timer

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the thought of cleaning your entire home, start with just one section and use a timer. Set a timer for 15 minutes and see how much you can get done. Or, you can set one for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and so on. The hard part is getting started, as it can be overwhelming to fit cleaning into your schedule. The timer will help you commit to cleaning and stay on task for a few minutes. You will be way more productive in much less time! Chances are, once you get started, you’ll be surprised at how much you can accomplish in such a short amount of time. And the satisfaction of seeing a clean space will motivate you to keep going.

3) Turn it into a game

You can make cleaning more fun by turning it into a game. For example, you can set a timer and see how long it takes you to clean up the kitchen. Or, you can make a game out of seeing how many items you can put away in a certain amount of time. The possibilities are endless! And, not only will you have more fun, but you’ll get the job done quicker, too. Plus, you can get your family members or roommates involved to join in and get extra competitive. Who can clean their room the fastest? Who can pick up and put away the most items? Let’s find out!

4) Set up a reward system

A great way to make cleaning more fun is to set up a reward system for yourself. For every task you complete, give yourself a point. Once you reach a certain number of points, you can treat yourself to something you really want. These rewards can be as large or as small as you choose. You can even do different tiers of prizes for different tasks. That way, you can get cleaned up and also have an incentive like a new book, shopping spree, or whatever floats your boat! This will not only make cleaning more fun, but it will also motivate you to keep your space clean and tidy.

5) Be creative when you’re cleaning!

Creativity is what makes cleaning a little more fun. Here are some of our best ideas, but keep thinking and see what else you can come up with. Once you are able to find what works for you, cleaning will feel a little less like the most monotonous chore.

To summarize,

  1. Set a time to clean and stick to it! Setting aside time in your day or week that you know you’ll be home ensures that it gets done.
  2. Break cleaning into manageable tasks! If the thought of doing all three floors seems overwhelming, break it down into smaller tasks by floor.
  3. Find someone else who enjoys doing chores too! It’s always nice when there’s someone who shares your enthusiasm for organization and tidiness around the house.

Contact Us!

Our team loves to clean and enjoys making our clients smile while we are at it. That is why it is our job! Let us take some of these chores off of your plate.

S&G Cleaning Services values consistent, quality service and trustworthy business practices. You can rest assured that your carpet and home will be taken care of effectively and efficiently with us. If you reside in Somerset County, NJ, or nearby areas in New Jersey, contact us today at (908) 722-9254 to clean up your living space, as well as your loved ones. Our cleaners will leave it spotless as we uphold our satisfaction guarantee.

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Shirley Perlinsky