Make Holiday Cleaning a Breeze with This 7-Day Schedule

It’s that time of year again! The holidays are almost here, and if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the thought of cleaning your home in time for the festivities, you’re not alone. Don’t worry – we have the solution to make holiday cleaning a breeze. With our 7-day holiday cleaning schedule, you can tackle all the major tasks in advance, leaving only a bit of last-minute shine on the big day. Read on to learn how to make holiday cleaning simple and stress-free.

Day One: Make a plan

Planning your holiday cleaning schedule is the first step to ensuring that everything gets done in time for the festivities. Set aside some time to evaluate your home and determine which tasks need to be done. Make a list of everything that needs to be done and assign each task to one of the 7 days of the holiday cleaning schedule. Prioritize your tasks according to importance, and break up larger jobs into smaller tasks that can be completed over multiple days.

Be sure to give yourself enough time to finish everything. Don’t try to cram too much into a single day, as that will only cause stress. By making a plan ahead of time, you’ll be able to work more efficiently and complete all of your tasks before the big day.

Day Two: Focus on specific areas

Day two of our 7-day holiday cleaning schedule focuses on specific areas of the house. Today is a great day to tackle those problem spots that will be easily noticed by your guests.

  1. Start by washing windows and vacuuming window screens, then move on to the baseboards.
  2. Use a damp mop with an appropriate floor cleaner product to clean baseboards.
  3. Wash and iron windows and shower curtains.
  4. Launder bedding if necessary.

Day Three: Tidy up bathrooms and bedrooms

On day three of your holiday cleaning schedule, it’s time to focus on the bathrooms and bedrooms.

Start by giving the bathrooms a thorough deep clean. Wipe down all surfaces, including counters, toilets, showers, and bathtubs. Scrub tile grout and use an old toothbrush to get into hard-to-reach places. After you’ve finished with the scrubbing and wiping, give the floors a good mop.

Next, move on to the bedrooms. Change the bedding, dust off surfaces, vacuum carpets, and rugs, and organize closets. Once you’ve finished with the bedrooms, your holiday cleaning is half done!

Day Four: Clean entryways

It’s essential to make sure your entryway is tidy for when guests arrive. Here are 3 quick ways to get your entryway ready for the holidays:

  1. Start by sweeping and mopping the floors, then vacuum any crumbs or dirt from the floorboards.
  2. Then move on to wiping down all surfaces, such as door handles and walls, and dusting off light fixtures or art pieces on the wall.
  3. Lastly, take care of any cobwebs in high corners using a broom and dustpan before moving on to other areas of the house!

Day Five: Deep clean the kitchen

Two days before your guests arrive, you should deep clean your kitchen to prepare for any holiday cooking.

  1. Keep an eye on any dirty dishes in the sink and empty them as soon as possible.
  2. Wipe down counters, stovetop, and the kitchen floor.
  3. Scrub the appliances thoroughly and wipe down all surfaces with white vinegar diluted in water for an extra clean finish.
  4. For tough areas like behind the fridge or under cabinets, use a small brush or vacuum attachment to get into those hard-to-reach spots.
  5. Finally, give yourself an hour to organize every drawer in sight so that everything is neat and easy to find!

Day Six: Dust and vacuum

The day before your guests arrive is the best time to check off tasks like dusting and vacuuming. If you do this too early, it’s likely everything you cleaned will be dirty again before the event.

  1. Vacuum the entryway and add decorations for a festive feel.
  2. Make sure there are toiletries in every bathroom and stock up on basic kitchen supplies such as paper towels or toilet tissue. You can even put away some of the items from under the tree so they’re ready for Christmas morning!
  3. Dust furniture surfaces, light fixtures, TV screens, pictures frames, and other hard-to-reach areas (e.g., ceiling fans) using appropriate tools for these surfaces
  4. Deep clean the kitchen sink and dish drainer.

Day Seven: Final touch-ups

It’s almost time for the holiday parties and celebrations to begin! Finish your holiday cleaning schedule with this checklist:

  1. Clean trash cans, pet bowls, recycling bins, or anything else you may have out in the open
  2. Put away all of the Christmas decorations that you were storing in boxes
  3. Sweep any loose items off of the floor
  4. Clear out cobwebs from corners and ceilings
  5. Make sure all windows are clean, inside and out
  6. Take care of any dishes left in the sink
  7. Wipe down the bathroom one more time using cleaning products and paper towels
  8. Put out fresh hand soap and fresh towels
  9. Add a few seasonal decorations like flowers or candles

Let us handle the holiday cleaning prep

Although this cleaning plan was designed for less stressful holiday cleaning, it can still take a lot of time. Fortunately, S&G Cleaning Services provides high-quality deep cleaning, carpet cleaning, window cleaning, and more house cleaning services!

With S&G Cleaning Services, you can rely on our highly efficient, effective, and consistent service. We are here to help provide you and your loved ones with a clean, healthy living space. Call us at (908) 722-9254 or book online to schedule your cleaning today.

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Shirley Perlinsky