Here is How a Regular School Cleaning Service Boosts Student Performance

Most students in the United States will spend anywhere between 6 to 8 hours of their day in school. For those with extracurriculars or different arrival and departure times, it can be even longer.

It’s basically their home away from home. It’s where they grow, learn, and play, and it needs to be cleaned and sanitized in order to make the most impact on them.

Don’t believe us? Let’s look at the facts. 

There’s Dirt and Lots of It

When kids play, they play hard. Then the older they get, the dirtier they get, whether it be leaving dirty equipment in the locker room, bringing the outside inside with them, or missing the trash can — Every. Single. Time. 

The hallways of a school can be a disaster, especially during inclement weather or when there’s another rainstorm that’s just come in. Then you have another layer of lockers full of who knows what that has the chance of spilling all over the floor. 

But you haven’t even gotten to the classrooms yet. Carpets can hold four times their weight in dirt. Dust settles fast on anything that isn’t moving. Overall, dirt is everywhere you look in school, even after only one day. 

It’s a Super-Spreader Zone

Just think about life as a child. Not a care in the world, sharing toys, brushes, and food with each other (sometimes food that’s already been eaten or licked). Not to mention, when a person is itty bitty, they tend to do not-so-clean actions and then wipe their mess around on the nearest object

That’s what a normal student does every day. And even if they’re not in elementary, they still carry their own slew of germs with them everywhere they go. In fact, on average, an item in a school will have anywhere between 2,000 to 15,000 germs on it. 

Those germs can be regular bacteria to super-spreading viruses that can wreak havoc on the immune system. And we all know how fast the flu spreads — once one student gets it, the rest are sure to follow. This then leads to sick days where kids miss important lessons in social, emotional, and educational development areas.

What a Clean and Healthy Environment Gives to Kids

Have we officially grossed you out yet? The two main reasons you just read about are exactly why school cleaning services are an absolute must for every school. 

Expert school cleaning services, provided by trained professionals like the ones found at S&G Cleaning Services, give your students a leg up from the second they walk through the front doors. Instead of encountering germs right off the bat at the water fountain or their locker, they are greeted by clean surfaces that help prevent them from getting sick. 

Having a regular school cleaning service also keeps your staff safe, which is important because they play a critical role in the performance of your students. Without them, students don’t learn well, and if teachers feel like they come into a dirty workplace every day, they might decide to move to greener pastures.

Plus, everyone just feels better in a clean space. It motivates people to work more efficiently and enjoy the time they have rather than dread every minute of it and not want to come back. 

A clean school also impresses prospective parents or boosters, which is a huge plus for schools looking to continue to expand and make an impact on the community. 

How S&G School Cleaning Services Are Able to Help You 

Other school cleaning companies aren’t like S&G Cleaning Services. We’re a dedicated and experienced team that’s precise in delivering a clean for your school that you can both see and feel. 

Investing in our services will not only save time in the long run but also money as well — you won’t have to waste money on endless cleaning supplies. We bring everything we need to clean and deeply disinfect every surface and object you can think of — even the ones in the hard-to-reach places. 

Some of the main parts of our service include:

  • Dusting: Dust builds up faster than you think. Not only is dust unattractive, but it also can cause issues with those who have repository illnesses or allergies, making it a long day for some of your students and staff. With regular dusting, you can avoid those issues. 
  • Floorcare: It’s no secret that your floors get dirty and they get dirty fast. With our experienced team, we can clean and maintain all the types of floor you have in your school, from carpets to laminate to concrete.
  • Disinfection: We end every service with a deep disinfection and sanitization. This assures that we’ve covered all of our bases and we’ve gotten rid of as many germs and bacteria as possible.
  • Waste removal: Trash builds up fast in a school and needs to be taken out every day. The last thing you need is a bug infestation or a bad odor permeating the walls of your school. Our crew members handle that easily and leave your space smelling fresh and brand new. 

All of our crew members are background checked and certified in the area of cleaning they provide. There are no hidden fees or information you don’t know when working with S&G Cleaning Services. 

Request a Quote Today

If you’re ready to work with an experienced school cleaning company that is dedicated to the health and happiness of your school, request a quote today from S&G Cleaning Services. We serve the following areas

We can’t wait to meet you and make your school cleaner than it ever has been before!

Shirley Perlinsky