6 Things You Need to Add to Your Cleaning Checklist

When was the last time you dusted the top of your refrigerator? When was the last time you mopped the floor of your garage? These are just two of many things that might fall through the cracks when it comes to household cleaning, but they shouldn’t be neglected because they can create health hazards if left unclean. By adding these six cleaning jobs to your regular cleaning routine, you can ensure that your home stays clean, germ-free, and safe at all times. Check out these 6 things you need to add to your cleaning checklist, that S&G Cleaning recommends you give some extra attention to!

1) Computer keyboard and other devices

Some of the things you need to add to your cleaning checklist are computer keyboards and other devices. Most people don’t think to clean their computer keyboard, but it can be a breeding ground for germs. A keyboard can have three times as many germs as a toilet seat! Plus, all those crumbs from your snacks can attract bugs.

To clean your keyboard, start by unplugging it and flipping it over. Use a can of compressed air to blow out any dust and debris. If you have a wireless keyboard, you may need to remove the batteries first. Next, use a cotton swab to clean between the keys. Let the keyboard air dry before plugging it back in.

While you’re at it, wipe down your phone, tablet, and other devices with screen-cleaning wipes.

2) Door knobs

You might not think to clean your door knobs, but they are actually one of the dirtiest things in your home. Door knobs are constantly touched by dirty hands, and they can easily become covered in bacteria. Plus, if you have pets, their fur can also transfer onto door knobs. To keep them clean, simply wipe them down with a disinfectant wipe or a cloth dampened with soapy water. Or spray some disinfectant on a rag and then scrub the knob. But don’t forget about other parts of your home! You should also make sure to get your doorknobs, light switches, toilet handles, bathroom sinks, refrigerator handles and more all scrubbed down too! It’s a quick and easy way to ensure that every surface is getting an adequate amount of attention. Plus, when these items are left untouched for long periods of time, it’s easier for germs to accumulate. If you notice any areas that need some extra attention, add them to your cleaning list today!

3) Microwave & Refrigerator

The microwave is one of the most used appliances in the kitchen, and it’s also one of the easiest to clean so add it to your cleaning checklist. All you need is a little elbow grease and a few minutes. The same can be said for the refrigerator. It’s important to keep these two appliances clean because they can harbor bacteria that can cause illness. For your refrigerator, schedule a day once a week where you go through and inventory the items stored. This will allow you to dispose of expired products before they cause odor or mold. Plus, it will save you money on groceries, as you will be encouraged to use what you already have.

4) Trash Cans

Let’s face it, your trash can is one of the dirtiest places in your home. It’s full of germs and bacteria, and it’s probably been a while since you’ve given it a good cleaning. But don’t worry, we’re here to help. Here’s how to clean your trash can and keep it looking fresh:

1. Empty the trash can and remove any liner or bag.
2. Take the trash can outside and rinse it with a hose.
3. Scrub the inside of the trash can with soap and water.
4. Rinse the trash can again and let it air dry.
5. Once the trash can is dry, put a new liner or bag in place.
6. Add potpourri, citrus peels, or drops of essential oils to prevent odor.

5) Washing machine lint trap filter

Most people don’t realize that their washing machine lint trap filter needs to be cleaned on a regular basis. Lint buildup can cause your washing machine to work less efficiently and can even lead to costly repairs. To clean your lint trap filter, simply remove it from the washing machine and rinse it off with warm water. You should also clean around the washing machine’s door seal to remove any dust or lint that may have accumulated there. The good news is that you don’t need expensive products to do this cleaning task. The easiest thing you can use is white vinegar. Simply mix one part vinegar and three parts water in a spray bottle then spray all over the outside of the door seal for about 30 seconds before wiping dry with paper towels or an old rag. If you notice any mildew or mold in those crevices, make sure to remove it with either rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide and then wipe dry before spraying again with vinegar solution as above and letting air-dry before replacing the door seal back onto the washer. Here’s a YouTube tutorial by the Queen of Clean that is fun and easy-to-follow!

6) Bedding

Wash your sheets, blankets and pillows once a week. The more you wash them, the fewer dust mites will be living on them so definitely make sure you add this chore to your cleaning checklist. Also make sure that you change pillow cases frequently, as these tend to accumulate dead skin cells and oils from your hair faster than other parts of your bedding. We would recommend changing pillow cases weekly and full bedding biweekly for best results.

Contact Us!

We’re the best, professional cleaning service in Somerset County! S&G Cleaning Services values consistent, quality service and trustworthy business practices. You can rest assured that your home will be taken care of effectively and efficiently with us. If you reside in Somerset County, NJ or nearby areas in New Jersey, contact us today at (908) 722-9254 to clean up your living space, as well as your loved ones’. Our cleaners will leave it spotless as we uphold our satisfaction guarantee. Contact us today and let us clean your worries away!

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Shirley Perlinsky